Sunday, November 28, 2010

Visiting Delhi

I then travelled with Jo and Unni to India. I loved it! I travelled on a rickety rickshaw with Jo in old Delhi! It was airy and sunny and we were all excited about going to the crowded streets, with lots of food, nuts, spices and sweets!
This is Unni, Jo and I in front of the Red Fort that was built in 1648 by the great Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He also build the Taj Mahal.
Here I am with Jo, inhaling all the spices in Chandini Chowk (Moonlit square).
This is after a long meal at Karims - a fabulous eatery in old Delhi. We then posed in front of Jama Masjid - the largest Masjid in all of Asia. Yes!

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